Take a moment to explore our portfolio of work.
At Why Knot Now, we specialize in crafting exceptional dreadlocks that reflect individuality and personal style. Take a look at the artistry and craftsmanship that brings each pf our client’s uniqueness to life.
Here we celebrate individuality as clients boldly showcase their personal style through their dreadlocks. Whether it's a natural and earthy look or a vibrant fusion of influences, we love collaborating with people on their personal dreadlock journey
Explore, be inspired, and envision the possibilities for your own dreadlock journey.
Half Head of Locs
A lower half-head of locs can be your hidden secret when required, or your ultimate self expression when it counts.
A style that can allow your locs to be subtle, gentle and feminine, or the star of the show based on how you style it.
This half head was installed by Nat at Why Knot now with this image taken after the first maintenance session.

Undercut Dreaddies
Initial istallation done by Why Knot Now, this freshly shorn undercut, and maintained set of loc's can be worn down and out, or in a variety of top knots.. one for every occasion.
Looking to escape the monotony of the trad man bun.
Why Knot now?
Charm City
Your loc journey is personal and sacred. Much like zebra stripes are unique to each zebra, a set of dreads should be unique to you.
Add charms, wraps or even the hair from a loved one to your dreads to ensure their personalisation represents your values and sentiment.
This half head was initially installed by Why Knot Now, with charms and wraps added during successive maintenance sessions.

Loc'd In Love
This is couple had their locs maintained and styled for the big day at Why Knot Now.
Despite many stereotype, dreads can be styled in a number of gorgeous, and classy ways for formal occasions.
Take a look at the intricate design, and detail that went into this stunning bride's set of half-head locs, as designed and maintained by Why Knot Now.
Break the mould. Be Unique. Be you.
Temporary Installation
​Like the look of loc's but unsure if they will be appropriate for your lifestyle.
No doubt dreadlocks aren't for everyone. It's one of the reasons they are so appealing to those of us who wear them.
Many clients have enquired and asked questions to discover if this is the right journey fro them. With that in mind, this set of temporary locs was designed and installed by Nat at Why Knot. The install was undertaken with the intent of blending these gold beauties in with the clients own gorgeous long hair.
After the client took a few weeks to weigh up if the dreads were the right fit for her, they returned and have committed to a half head of locs with extensions.
Have questions you want answered? Why Knot now.